Company Information
Richard-Steiff-Straße 4
D-89537 Giengen/Brenz
Phone +49 (0) 7322 130-1
Managing Director: Dr. Ralf Holz | Hans Reichhardt
Company headquarters: Giengen/Brenz, Germany
Court of register: Ulm
Register no.: HRB 660042
VAT ID no.: DE811124086
This website was designed by Junith Digital Agency GmbH and is managed by us. We reserve the right to change at any time, in part or in entirety, our website, the general terms of use, our general terms and conditions and our terms of sales and delivery, at our discretion, without prior notice, and/or to terminate operation wholly or partially. We therefore request that you check this page again the next time you visit this website and take note of any revisions and/or additions.
Brand names & property rights
All rights reserved. All content of this website, in particular texts, images, graphics, animations and other files, as well as their layout on this website, are subject to copyright protection and other property protective laws. This website does not grant a license to use the intellectual property of AIGO-TEC GmbH or third parties. The content of this website must not be copied, disseminated, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes.
Due to continuous improvement of our product quality, deviations from catalogue illustrations are possible in some cases.
This website is created and updated with the utmost care. However, AIGO-TEC GmbH can provide no guarantee for the information. We exclude any liability for damages incurred from the direct or indirect use of this website, unless they are due to intentional behaviour or gross negligence.
Image credits
Our website uses photos and illustrations from the following copyright owners:
Stephan Liebl |
Technical implementation
Junith Digital Agency GmbH
Frauenstraße 83
89073 Ulm
Phone + 49 (0) 731 7157321551